Thursday, May 29, 2008

Welcome Dana!

Now our blog is whole.  I read some of the Odyssey today in Barnes & Noble.  I'll probably start the Hemingway soon.  I do nothing but read these days.  I need a job.  Everyone already knows this though.  

I also complain when I'm not reading.  And sleep.  I do a lot of sleeping.

That's it though.  I hope you're both making progress...


dana said...

thanks john!

when you say that you are going to start hemingway...does that mean you finished to the lighthouse?


for us feeble-minded who have not even begun to read that is bad news. BAD NEWS BEARS.

claire, back me up.

you don't have to.

no, claire, back me up.

what happened to the plans for getting a night job, john?

Claire said...

I'm backing Dana up. DUDE I have read 50 pages of Mrs. Dalloway. I vote that we officially start Woolf NEXT week, which means next week Dana and I can finish Mrs. Dalloway and you can read The Waves. Right? Awesome!