Friday, May 30, 2008

I promise to slow down

I also apologize for my overly pedantic treatment of To the Lighthouse.  My enthusiasm for Virginia Woolf set an unrealistic precedent.  It would be as if they discovered a new and previously unknown Jane Austen novel, and Claire got to read it for the first time.  I just really love Woolf...

I've read about twenty pages of the Hemingway, and I like it significantly less, so I can promise not to be so overzealous from now on (until I start The Waves)...

I'm actually trying to read the Odyssey for a while, until we all get on the same page (har!).  It's an important precursor to one day reading Ulysses, which I must do before dying.

I have a few leads in my job search!  I won't talk about them because that would jinx it.

Anyway, continue reading and hope you guys are doing well.

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