Thursday, May 29, 2008


i have joined the blog! (though only after admiring the wit of the blog's name. was that you claire? clever clever) sorry for joining late, i was gallivanting around ny with my sister and was taking a break from the internet. i am now back in the bay, hanging out with the parental unit. i think i've already managed to annoy them. it's really a talent, being able to irritate my parents this rapidly.

so i have unfortunately not started reading mrs. dalloway (i left it at home), but i will start immediately, and will be on the lookout for the ideas you mentioned in your posts- vague desires, the moment, etc. i also will look over to the lighthouse again. i have to admit, though, I am slightly intimidated at the cerebral nature of these posts, i'm afraid my posts will not be as impressively intellectual.

in the past couple days i read the alchemist by paulo coelho instead. i found it in a crumpled pile of crap behind jillian's desk (along with like $20 of quarters), so i unceremoniously took it (and the quarters) and read it.
have either of you read it? it was really a beautiful story. i also read half of the man who mistook his wife for a hat by oliver sacks, which is about various psychological disorders. have either of your read it? i bought it off the street in ny for $2, as well as purchasing a $3 copy of oliver twist. we better read oliver twist.

in other adventures, i went traipsing around central park the other day and made a new, um, friend. he's this intense old swiss-montengran painter. he told me about Daoism (it would help me find peace), instructed me to liberate myself and become a poet (find your talent! follow your passion!), and urged me to read Pablo Neruda ("so sensual"). this brings me to my point, which is, poetry! we cannot forget the goal of reading around 5 poems a week, right? i had some poems in mind (including mr. neruda), so would you guys be alright with me proposing our first set of poems?

and my new friend told me, among other things, that if i learned to breathe correctly (he demonstrated) that I would have an excellent sex life when i was 80. i said, why thank you. i will go do just that.

alright, i am off to rummage through my stuff to find mrs. dalloway. i'm sorry about your talkative roommate, claire... and i hope new york is enthralling, john.


Claire said...

I vote yes for poetry and for Dana assigning it this week.

Also, John wrote the subtitle not me. I must be honest.

Also, if you keep writing without any capitalization, I'm going to start doing it too. It's contagious. I'm sorry.

Claire said...

Also, we can change the fonts and things?? I didn't even notice. Thrilling.

John said...

i feel incredibly anal telling dana to capitalize her name so that it looks like ours on the right-hand side, but since claire already alluded to it...